My Day: 10 September 2020

A Thursday in my life as an automation engineer.

9:00-9:45. Compiled summary of daily automation runs and emailed to my team. Tools I used: Jenkins and Allure reports.
9:45-12:00. Status meetings. (An alternative to status meetings)
12:00-1:00. Lunch. Ran some errands and picked up sushi.
1:00-2:00. Reviewed results of regression tests. Tools I used: Jenkins and Allure reports.
2:00-4:00. Investigated root cause of flakiness of Zepher integration with automation framework. Tools I used: Zephyr, Jira, Jenkins, python, logging.
4:00-5:00. Meeting with manager.
5:00-6:00. Reviewing and updating documentation. Tools I used: Confluence.